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Online ISSN:-2582-1075
Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 2, Issue : 3, Year : 2020
Article Page : 8-17
Introduction: During the postnatal period the mothers should be offered information to enable them to promote their own and their babies' health and well-being and to recognize and respond to problems. The mothers should be advised of the signs and symptoms, and appropriate action for potentially life-threatening conditions. All maternity care providers should encourage breastfeeding. The aim is for the midwife to visit the woman when she most likely to need assistance. If further postnatal care or lactation consultation (for any ongoing breastfeeding problems) is required additional visits can be arranged. Objectives: To assess the level of knowledge, effectiveness of planned teaching program and association with selected demographic variables regarding management of the breast problems among the postnatal mothers.
Material and methods: A Quasi experimental one group pretest-posttest design is adopted for the present study. The study was conducted in K.C. General Hospital, Bangalore with 450 bedded hospital. The sample size of the study consists of 60 postnatal mothers who fulfil the inclusion criteria. Non-probability convenience sampling technique was adopted to select the sample. Results: The data is organized, analyzed and presented in two parts. The findings revealed that the gain in mean score of overall level for knowledge of postnatal mothers between pre-test with post-test was 44.06% with ‘t’ test value of 31.70 which was highly significant at 5%. It revealed that the PTP was effective and hence research hypothesis H1 was accepted.
Conclusion: The study concluded that the PTP which was prepared was effective. Hence the postnatal mothers should be encouraged to attend teaching sessions, health education programme, workshops etc. will be more receptive to improve their knowledge level.
Keywords: Breast problems, postnatal mothers.
How to cite : Puspharani L , Devi L D , Lakshmi Devi N, A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Program Regarding the Management of the Breast Problems among the Postnatal Mothers in the Selected Hospitals, Bangalore, Karnataka. Int J Recent Innov Med Clin Res 2020;2(3):8-17
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